67 Lists To Organize Your Life and Boost Your Mood

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Are you a list lover? Then you will love these massive lists of lists that you can make.

Whether you are struggling to be productive in life or simply need a mood lift, these lists can help you.

Making lists will help you to stay focused and organized. It helps to get your life together.

Whatever you are reasons are for making lists, you will find lists that suit your needs right here.

So, here are the lists that you can make. Have fun!


67 Lists to Organize Your Life and Boost Your Mood

1  List of books to read.

2  List of your favorite books that you read.

3  List of podcasts you listen to.

4  List of your favorite podcasts.

5  List of your favorite music.

6  List of movies you want to watch.

7  List of your favorite movies.

8  List of your favorite series.

9  List of series you want to watch.

10  List of your favorite documentaries.

11  List of documentaries you want to watch.

12  List of online courses you want to take.

13  Bucket List

14  List of people who inspires you.

15  List of your favorite actors / actresses.

16  List of your favorite music artists (singers, music directors).

17  List of your favorite celebrities any other fields ( eg: comedians, youtubers).

18  List of your happy memories.

19  List of things you are grateful for. 

20  List of your achievements.

21  List of skills you want to learn.

22  List of habits you want to develop.

23  List of habits you want to break.

24  List of places you want to visit.

25  List of places you have visited.

26  List of your passwords.

27  List of your contacts.

28  Lists of accounts you have online.

29  List of your strengths.

30  List of your weaknesses.

31  List of you favorite recipes.

32  List of recipes you want to try.

33  List of short term goals.

34  List of long term goals.

35  List of your friends.

36  List of birthdays and anniversaries.

37  List of your favorite cousins.

38  List of friends / colleagues you need to get in touch with.

39  List of your favorite quotes.

40  List of your favorite blogs.

41  List of things you need to stop worrying / overthinking.

42  List of groceries you need to buy.

43  List of ways to practice self care.

44  List of adventure sports you want to try.

45  Shopping wish list.

46  List of gifts you want to give others.

47  List of journal prompts

48  List of random act of kindness that you can do.

49  List of things to do when you are bored.

50  List of traits of your significant other that you love ( or you want to your future partner to have).

51  List of names for your future kids (be prepared!)

52  List of things things you need to pack for travelling.

53  Decluttering list.

54  List of things that make you happy.

55  List of your values and principles.

56  List of reasons you are awesome!

57  List of bills / debts you need to pay.

58  List of things that is making you less productive.

59 List of your awesome ideas.

60 Lists of your hobbies

61  List of languages you know.

62  List of languages you want to learn.

63  List of holiday crafts you want to make.

64  Daily to do list

65  Weekly to do list

66  Monthly to do list

67  Master list



Phew! That was long! 


Listen to your favorite music and start making your list today. I hope you enjoyed this massive lists of lists.

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