12 Simple New Year’s Resolution Ideas 

“Most people will passively do exactly what they did last year. Whatever you do, don’t let that person be you.” – Richie Norton



Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution, felt super excited about it, but then found yourself struggling to keep it up after just a few weeks? If so, you’re not alone.


Many of us start the year with big plans to make positive changes, but life gets in the way, and those resolutions often fall by the wayside.


But here’s the good news: making positive changes doesn’t have to be so hard. Instead of setting big, overwhelming goals, why not try something different this year? How about setting simple, achievable goals that you can complete in just one month?


Think about it – 30 days is long enough to make a difference, but short enough to keep you motivated. Plus, when you turn these goals into fun challenges, it feels less like work and more like a game. This way, you’ll stay excited and have a better chance of sticking with it.


This blog post is about 12 easy new year resolutions ideas that you can achieve in one month. This post also delves into how to turn each resolution into a fun challenge, so you can enjoy the process and maybe even inspire your friends and family to join in.


Let’s dive in and start making those positive changes, one month at a time!


12 Simple New Year’s Resolution Ideas




  • Goal: Plan weekly meals with balanced nutrition.
  • Challenge: Try a new healthy recipe each week.


It’s time to stop your unlimited takeaways and start eating healthy. A healthy diet helps in many ways: improve your mood, increase your energy, improve focus and can prevent scary diseases.


Start meal planning on Sundays, making sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.


For a fun twist, challenge yourself to cook a new healthy recipe every week. This not only keeps your meals interesting but also expands your cooking skills.




  • Goal: Commit to 150 minutes of exercise per week.
  • Challenge: Make it into a 30-day fitness challenge that includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. This could involve activities such as daily yoga, HIIT workouts, or a set number of steps per day. Or join a gym and get professional help.


It’s time to stop being a couch potato.


Keeping yourself healthy is one of the best gifts you can give to your family. And exercise helps you with that. So, it’s time for you to get started.


Cold weather can make it hard to stay active, but setting a clear exercise goal can help. Break it down into manageable sessions, like 30 minutes, five times a week.


To keep things exciting, make it into a fitness challenge. Research about various types of exercise and try experimenting with each type.




  • Goal: Read one book in the month.
  • Challenge: Join a book club or start a reading challenge.


How many books are there in your TBR? Do you even remember which books are they?


With longer days approaching, it’s a great time to dive into reading. Pick a book you’ve been wanting to read and set a goal to finish it by the end of the month.


To add a social element, join a book club or participate in an online reading challenge. Sharing your thoughts with others can deepen your appreciation and commitment to reading.




  • Goal: Set aside a specific amount for savings this month.
  • Challenge: Take part in a no-spend challenge for one week.


You should be in control of your money, not the other way around. This is incredibly important.

Saving your money will help you in the long run. So start doing it.


Decide on a savings goal for the month, such as saving $200. To give your savings a boost, try a no-spend challenge: choose one week where you only spend money on essentials like groceries and bills. This can help you identify unnecessary expenses and save more.




  • Goal: Complete an online course or workshop in a chosen skill.
  • Challenge: Practice the new skill daily for 30 days.


Since how long have you been wanting to learn calligraphy? Or guitar? Or Korean language?


May is a month of renewal and growth, making it perfect for learning something new. Find an online course that suits your interest. Dedicate time each day to practice, turning your new knowledge into a solid skill by the end of the month.




  • Goal: Declutter one room or space this month.
  • Challenge: Follow a 30-day decluttering plan.


Clutter, clutter everywhere. You know this isn’t good but have been procrastinating to clean up since ever. Dedicate the month of June for decluttering.


Choose one room to declutter and break it down into smaller tasks over 30 days. Tackle one area each day, such as a drawer or a shelf, and by the end of the month, you’ll have a more organized and serene space.




  • Goal: Schedule regular family activities or game nights.
  • Challenge: Plan a family outing or activity every weekend.


Friends and family are one’s pillars. Without them you and me are incomplete.


Yet we forget this in the midst of the chaos of life. It is super important to spent time with them.


And summer is ideal for family time. Make it a goal to schedule weekly activities, whether it’s a movie night, game night, or a simple picnic in the park. Challenge yourself to plan a unique outing every weekend to create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.




  • Goal: Limit screen time to a certain number of hours per day.
  • Challenge: Have one screen-free day each week.


An average American spends 4 hours and 25 minutes on their phone on a daily basis. This means, 67 days of a year is spent by using your phone. Isn’t it shocking?


Are you also using your phone excessively? If so, cut it down.


August’s warm weather invites you to spend more time outdoors. Set a daily screen time limit, like two hours outside of work-related use. To really unplug, designate one day each week as a screen-free day. Use this time to explore nature, read, or engage in a hobby without digital distractions.




  • Goal: Meditate for 10 minutes each day.
  • Challenge: Complete a 30-day mindfulness challenge.


What will my boss say about my presentation tomorrow? Why did my mom talk to me in that tone? Why hasn’t my best-friend replied yet even though she saw the message? Will it snow tomorrow?


Our minds are never free. Thoughts are swirling in our minds like a mouse on a spinning wheel, constantly racing and moving without pause.


Break this by practicing mindfulness.


Aim to meditate for 10 minutes each day, using apps or guided meditations if needed. For a deeper experience, participate in a 30-day mindfulness challenge that includes daily prompts and activities to enhance your practice.




  • Goal: Reduce daily sugar consumption to recommended levels.
  • Challenge: Eliminate one sugary item from your diet each week.


Too much sugar is dangerous. It is the leading cause of obesity and many other lifestyle diseases. You need to cut down on your sugar for a healthier you.


Set a goal to monitor and reduce your sugar intake. Start by eliminating one sugary item each week, like soda or candy, and replace it with healthier options such as fruit or nuts. This gradual approach can lead to sustainable changes.




  • Goal: Establish a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Challenge: Follow a 30-day sleep hygiene challenge.


Reduce your stress, improve your mood, think more clearly – all of this can be possible if you sleep better.


How to do so?


Set a regular bedtime and wake-up time to regulate your body clock. To support this goal, follow a 30-day sleep hygiene challenge: limit caffeine intake, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and make your bedroom a sleep-friendly environment.




  • Goal: Drink a specified amount of water daily.
  • Challenge: Use a water tracking app and meet daily goals for 30 days.


End the year on a healthy note by focusing on hydration. Determine how much water you need daily and make it a goal to reach this amount.


To stay on track, use a water tracking app and challenge yourself to meet your daily goals for 30 days. Staying hydrated can improve your overall well-being and energy levels.





Turning simple new year’s resolutions into specific goals and challenges can make them more manageable and achievable. Start small, track your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way. By focusing on one resolution each month, you can build positive habits that last all year long.


Here’s to a year of growth, health, and happiness!


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