10 Real Reasons You’re Not Reaching Your Goals (And How to Fix It)

10 reasons for not achieving goals


Have you ever found yourself wondering why you’re not making progress toward your goals, despite putting in the effort? It’s a common experience to feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of setting goals but never quite reaching them.


The truth is, achieving goals isn’t always straightforward; it involves more than just determination and hard work. In this blog post, we’ll uncover 10 reasons why you might not be hitting your goals.


Understanding these reasons will help you to set yourself on the path to achievement. Get ready to discover what might be going wrong and how you can turn things around. It’s high time to make those goals a reality.


10 Real Reasons You’re Not Reaching Your Goals


There is always a tomorrow. So why should I start today?


And suddenly it’s December 31. A year flew by and you never got started.


Why This Happens?


This might be happening due to reasons such as:


Fear of Failure: The goals you have set is too big. And now you are worried that you might fail to achieve it. It feels difficult to achieve it, so just sit on it and do nothing.


Perfectionism: You are waiting for the stars to align and the sun to shine bright to get started. The environment should be absolutely perfect, devoid of distractions that’s when you will begin. And not only that, whatever you do should be perfect too. Otherwise its as good as nothing.


Feeling Overwhelmed: You have set many goals – not to mention they are big. Now it just feels like too much of work to achieve them (because it is). So just avoid them.


How to Overcome It


Failure is the Best Friend of Success: Just get started. Don’t worry about the outcomes. You might fail, it might not be perfect, you might need to change your agenda of achieving the goals. It doesn’t matter. Just begin. Always remember: Success doesn’t happen without failure. Both aren’t mutually exclusive.


Embrace imperfections: Just as failure is the stepping stone to success, imperfections are the building blocks of achievement. If you couldn’t make it right the first time, always remember there is always a second, third and fourth time.


Break it into small chunks: As mentioned before start by setting realistic goals. Break them down into smaller goals. Set deadlines for these and achieve them. Getting started will set the momentum. The small goals will not feeling overwhelming, making it easier to achieve your bigger goals.


Use Time Management Techniques: Pomodoro technique and 2 minute rules are great time management techniques that will help you to stop procrastinating.



2 minutes turns into 20 minutes or maybe more than an hour.


The ‘perfect time’ to begin has gone. So, let’s just begin tomorrow.

The cycle of procrastination and perfectionism continues fueled by social media.


Why this happens?


Social media is designed to be addictive. It is perfectly designed to please the dopamine to keep us hooked to our devices.


You are overwhelmed to begin, gripped by the fear of failure and the self-imposed pressure of perfectionism. In comes social media which provides you the much needed escape. All the reels and the memes makes you entertained and gives you instant gratification.


How to Overcome It?


Set Strict Boundaries: Change your phone settings. Some research has found that changing your display to grey color makes the devices less attractive and we end up using the phone less. Use apps such as AppBlock to block social media use during certain times of the day. 


Social Media Detox: Consider taking a social media detox if you use social media excessively. It will help you to realign with yourself and reassess your relationship with those platforms.


Replace Scrolling with Other Activities: It’s normal to feel a void when use restrict social media use. Suddenly you don’t know what to do in free time. Go for a small walk or read a book or do 5 minutes journaling during this time.



For years you have been doing what you are doing now. You are comfortable with it.


You know it isn’t good for you but prefer to do it anyway.


Trying to do something is to bring about change to the known. So you just avoid it and stick to the known, be comfortable.


Why this happens?


Change can be scary because you will be exploring uncharted territory for the first time. It can be difficult.


It’s natural human tendency to avoid what we are scared of.


Most people avoid doing something new. Even when they are aware of the positive benefits of it.


Because, at its core, change is challenging.


How to Overcome It?


Make small changes: Start by embracing small changes. Gradually introduce new habits or experiences into your life, so the change doesn’t feel so overwhelming.


Be self-compassionate: Don’t rebuke yourself for not been able to make sudden changes to yourself and become the best version of yourself overnight. Remind yourself that making changes take time. Shower yourself with kindness and grace. Especially when you are finding it difficult to make changes that disrupts your comfort zone. Growth is uncomfortable and challenging by nature. remind yourself that it is how it is.


Practice Mindfulness: If you are feeling anxious about making changes and the challenges associated with it, try meditation it ease out your anxiety. Journaling is also a good option to try.


Something always pulls your attention right. All those Korean and Chinese dramas are so much addictive. You could just watch it forever and ever isn’t it? (me too). 


Also the movies, documentaries, games…. Oh My God, there are so many fun things to choose from.


No one can blame us…Its just too good. How can we miss them right!


Why does this happen?


Distractions seems endless in today’s world. Everyone is competing for your attention. And you end up loosing focus. Everyone does.


Its the same fight between instant gratification and long term win. Somehow instant gratification always wins.


It doesn’t have to be that way. With a little bit of efforts, you can focus on your long term goals.


How to Overcome It?


Block Distracting Websites: Just like how you blocked your social media, block these websites too. Do it on all devices. No cheating.

Cal Newport in his book, Deep Work, has mentioned: 


“Instead of scheduling the occasional break from distraction so you can focus, you should instead schedule the occasional break from focus to give in to distraction. Schedule in advance when you’ll use the Internet, and avoid it altogether outside these times. I suggest that you keep a notepad near your computer at work. On this pad, record the next time you’re allowed to use the Internet. Until you arrive at that time, absolutely no network connectivity is allowed – no matter how tempting.”



Accountability Partner: Have an accountability partner to keep you on your toes. Make a pact that if you wander into these distracting site, you have to pay up.


You muster the courage to take those baby steps, making small changes and progressing bit by bit. Then, out of nowhere, life throws an unexpected curveball, catching you completely off guard. Suddenly, sticking to your goals becomes much more difficult.


Have you experienced this? I have.


I just got started on making some positive changes to my life, developing new habits. Suddenly, my father had to undergo emergency angioplasty. And that put a break on everything.


I couldn’t focus on my personal growth in between the hospital visits, taking care of my younger sister and doing all the house chores. Not to mention the emotional turmoil too.


I struggled to get back on track.


Suddenly, everything changed. The reality that parents will not be with us forever hit me. I couldn’t focus on anything. My mental health was draining.


In the midst of all this, I realized that while life is unpredictable and often throws us off course, it’s in these moments of challenge that we find our true strength. It wasn’t about maintaining a perfect path but rather about finding the resilience to navigate through the chaos.


I started to give myself grace, acknowledging that it was okay to pause and re-evaluate. Slowly, I began to integrate small, manageable steps back into my routine, focusing on what I could control.


It wasn’t a smooth or linear process, but it was a reminder that progress isn’t always about forward momentum—sometimes, it’s about finding a way to keep moving, even when the road is rough.


Ultimately, life’s curveballs taught me that while we can’t predict or control everything, we can learn to adapt and persevere.


It’s in these moments of adversity that we often discover our greatest strength and resilience.


Why this happens?


Unexpected events and challenges are a part of life. When something goes wrong, it’s easy to lose motivation and feel like you’re back at square one.


How to Overcome it?


Setbacks are inevitable – Accept it: Setbacks are normal. Not everything can be planned and predicted. Come to terms with this fact when things go south. Develop resilience by focusing on what you can control and adjusting your plans as needed.


Have a flexible mindset: Keep a flexible mindset, and remember that it’s okay to take a step back and reevaluate when life throws you a curveball.


For years I made no progress in life due to my obsession with perfectionism.


To give you an example, let’s say I had planned to wake up at 6 am to start my morning routine. But I woke up at 6:10 am because I snoozed the alarm out of habit. Now, I opened my eyes, checked the time – it’s 6:10 am. It’s 10 minutes past 6 am.


‘It’s 10 minutes past the time I had decided. Let’s start from tomorrow.’, I say this to myself and go back to sleep.


And guess what the same thing happens the next day and the day after. I will just give up on it because I am not able to wake up at the perfect time that I had decided.


This ‘all or nothing’ mindset hampered my self development journey for years.


It too me a fair amount of self reflection to find out that perfectionism is one of the reason for my failure.


Does this sound like you?


If it does, you are in the perfectionism trap. You need to get out of this even to get started.


Why this happens?


Perfectionism can hold you back from starting or finishing tasks. You might be afraid that whatever you do won’t be perfect. This fear can lead to procrastination.


As a result, you miss opportunities and get stuck in a cycle of never completing what you begin. Or doesn’t even begin.


How to Overcome It?


Identify and acknowledge Your Perfectionism: You need to catch yourself falling into this trap. Every time you put off something or discontinue doing this, ask yourself this ‘Am I falling into the perfectionism trap?’ If so, acknowledge it. Be self-compassionate. Remind yourself that perfectionism is the enemy of progression.


Shift Your Focus: Learn to shift your focus from perfection to progression. Keep track of the progress you are making. Don’t be disheartened if you slipped a bit that the last time. Progress isn’t linear. There is a ‘Valley of Disappointment’ that you have to cross. Remind yourself this.


Overthinking is a serious roadblock to achieving your goals.


Imagine you’re planning to start a new fitness routine. You have a clear vision of your goals: improving your health, building strength, and feeling more energetic. However, instead of starting right away, you find yourself overthinking every aspect of the plan.


You spend weeks researching the perfect workout regimen, the best diet, and the most suitable equipment.


You worry about whether you’ll stick to the plan, if the exercises are the best ones for your goals, and how to perfectly balance your diet. Each day you think about it, but you keep postponing the start date, hoping to figure out every detail perfectly first.


As a result, you never actually begin the fitness routine. The constant overthinking and fear of not doing things perfectly have stalled your progress.


Overthinking and perfectionism go hand in hand.


Why this happens?


Fear of Mistakes: Overthinking is often driven by a fear of making mistakes or not achieving perfection. This fear can paralyze you, making it difficult to start or commit to any action.


Desire for Certainty: Overthinkers often seek absolute certainty before taking any step. They want to be sure that every decision is flawless, which is rarely achievable, leading to inaction.


Self-Doubt: Constantly questioning your decisions and abilities erodes confidence. As your self-doubt grows, you become more hesitant and less likely to move forward.


Perfectionism: The desire to make everything perfect can lead to endless planning and re-evaluation. This focus on perfection often means you never get around to executing your plans.


Avoidance of Discomfort: Overthinking can be a way to avoid facing uncomfortable truths or taking risky actions. It’s easier to stay in a state of contemplation than to deal with the potential discomfort of change.


How to Overcome It?


Make Decisions Faster: Set a deadline for making decisions. Trust your instincts and make a choice within that timeframe.


Break It Down: Instead of analyzing every detail, focus on the key factors that will impact your decision the most.


Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques can help you stay grounded and reduce overthinking. Regular practice of meditation or journaling can be helpful


There are different aspects of life – health, career, spiritual and so on. Everything seems equally important.


Where should you begin? The struggle is real, isn’t it?


Why this happens?


You, my over-enthusiastic friend, have set many different goals to be achieved.


Looking at the list of goals to be achieved or the habits to develop itself is overwhelming.


When you have too many ideas and goals, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin.


Overwhelm ➡️ inaction ➡️ frustration.


the same old story, on repeat mode.


How to Overcome It?


Create a Roadmap: Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps. Outline a clear roadmap with specific tasks and deadlines.


Start with Research: Spend some time researching and gathering information to clarify your next steps. Knowledge can help reduce overwhelm and increase confidence. Remember: Don’t go into a rabbit hole while doing the research.


Focus on One Thing at a Time: Prioritize one task and focus on completing it before moving on to the next. This helps to build momentum and reduces overwhelm.


You are so blinded by the idea of achieving your goals that you ignore your physical and mental health.


Why This Happens?


When we’re focused on achieving our goals, it’s easy to push self-care to the side. However, neglecting your well-being can have negative consequences on your productivity and overall success.


How to Overcome It?


Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and taking breaks.


Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Avoid working late into the night and make time for relaxation and hobbies.


Do you have many roles to play in life? Of course, all of us does have.


Balancing multiple roles can become a significant obstacle to reaching your personal development goals.


The constant juggling of responsibilities can lead to feeling overwhelmed and scattered, making it difficult to focus on and invest in your personal growth.


Why This Happens?


When you’re deeply involved in various roles and responsibilities, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily demands of each. This can lead to neglecting time and energy needed for personal development.


The stress of managing these roles can also result in burnout, reducing your motivation and ability to pursue your goals.


How to Overcome It?


Align Responsibilities with Goals: Determine how your current responsibilities align with or hinder your personal growth. Make adjustments to ensure your daily tasks support, rather than obstruct, your goals.


Identify Tasks to Delegate: Look at your responsibilities and identify tasks that can be delegated to others. For example, if household chores are consuming your time, consider sharing these tasks with family members.


Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive people who understand your personal development goals. They can provide encouragement, advice, and even practical help.


Use Time Blocking: Implement time-blocking techniques to allocate specific periods for personal development activities. Ensure these blocks are free from interruptions and dedicated solely to your growth.


Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work, family, and personal development time. Avoid letting one area encroach on another to maintain focus and balance.


Involve Your Friends and Family: All of the above can be done with the help of family and friends. Discuss with them what are the goals you want to achieve and how they can be a part of it or how they can help you to attain them. Involve them in your plans.


reasons not achieving your goals


If any of these reasons hit close to home, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Acknowledging the obstacles is the first step toward overcoming them.


With the right mindset and strategies, you can turn these potential roadblocks into stepping stones and make #newmechallenge a huge success.


Ready to get started? Let’s make it happen!


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