6 Reasons to Make Your Morning Phone Free



Your alarm is blaring.


You reach over to silence it and instinctively grab and unlock the phone.


Before you know it you are checking the notifications – emails, social media alerts, news headlines.


Is this how you start your mornings?


Do you let your smartphone hijack your morning routine?


If so, read on to discover why you should make your morning phone free.


 6 Reasons to Make Your Morning Phone Free



A study found that high mobile phone use leads to mental health problems such as stress, depression, and sleep disturbances in young adults.


Why does the use of a mobile phone cause stress?


1] The constant connectivity makes us feel pressured to reply to every notification that pops up on our phones. Especially, if you have a job that requires you to be connected all the time.


2] Constant connectivity leads to information overload. Using a smartphone in the morning can lead to overstimulation of the brain due to the constant stream of information, notifications, and bright screens.


According to this article, The information overload that hits you before you’re fully awake also interferes with your ability to prioritize tasks. This constant influx of information in the form of news or social media posts can be overwhelming and can cause stress.


3] Fear Of Missing Out is real. The continuous ‘need’ for you to know what is happening in your friends and celebrities’ lives, the changing trends of the world, etc. can become overwhelming. Trying to keep up with everything causes cognitive overload and leads to stress.


4] Through a mobile phone, it is easier for you to compare your life with others. Seeing other people’s perfect lives and comparing them with yours results in your self-esteem taking a hit. This can lead to stress and anxiety.


5] Excessive exposure to blue light can lead to sleep disturbances, leading to increased stress.

Mornings symbolize a fresh start, a new beginning. And, mornings should be stress-free. It’s a no-brainer.


Give yourself a break from your beloved smartphone and enjoy a stress-free morning.




No notifications. No distractions.


Improved focus.


It’s that simple.




As the day goes by, it becomes increasingly difficult to find time for yourself. You get busy doing justice to all the roles and responsibilities in your life.


Mornings can be exclusively yours, with a little bit of effort. It can be the time when you can prioritize yourself, and work on achieving your long-term goals.


This can be done by making your morning smartphone free.


Don’t let the outside world take control of your precious morning through that small screen in your hand.


Instead, gift yourself me-time by doing meaningful things in the morning.




No mobile phones. No distractions.


This helps you to be more present. Enjoy the sun, the morning breeze, and the sounds of nature.


Being ‘here and now’ helps you to appreciate the little things in life. This benefits you in many ways such as reduced stress and anxiety and results in increased happiness.




You lean in and take your phone to scroll through social media, Before you know it five minutes have turned into maybe half an hour or one hour.


You have lost your precious morning hours. Those which could have been used for getting things done.


By having a smartphone-free morning, you eliminate distractions and can focus better on your tasks, leading to increased productivity. Without the temptation to check notifications or social media, you can use your morning time more efficiently.


This helps in tackling important tasks with clarity and purpose.


You go from ‘I don’t have time to do things’ to being productive by using the time that you ‘found’ by having a phone free morning.




You just woke up and grabbed your phone.


27 notifications from the gazillion apps that you have on your phone.


You start responding to all the notifications. That’s how you start your day by being reactive.


When you start your day by checking your smartphone, you often end up reacting to whatever pops up instead of taking charge of your day. You might find yourself responding to emails or notifications right away, which can throw off your focus and productivity.


It’s like being on autopilot, just reacting to things instead of actively deciding how you want to spend your time.


Another reason to make your morning phone free.





Going smartphone free in the morning can make a difference in how you feel and how much you get done.


It’s all about giving yourself a break from all the distractions. When you do that, you’ll find you have more clarity, focus, and energy to tackle whatever comes your way.


So why not give it a try?


Your mind, body, and productivity will thank you for it!


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