Do you want to go from being


Exhausted to Energetic

Time Poor to TIME RICH

Messy to Organized

Welcome to MouldingLife

A space created to help you achieve this

Taking baby steps is the best way to begin

Are you ready to get started to become the best version of yourself?

Start by implementing these 5 simple rules in your life.

Feeling lost? Explore the categories.

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Curious to know who am I and about this space?


Hello There! I am NINETTE.


I am in my late twenties and am currently pursuing my masters in India. I am an introvert who enjoys watching movies, reading, and annoying my little sister. 

My personal mission is to try and live a life where I become the person I want to be and not let my schedule dictate my life. 

This blog is to help young women looking for ways to prioritize themself and not let their schedule be a limiting factor.